Thanksgiving is synonymous with delicious food and post-meal drowsiness. If you've ever partaken in the holiday feast, you know the drill: you start the day enjoying the company of friends and family, indulging in the most delectable dishes you’ve been waiting all year for. As the meal progresses, the fatigue sets in, often right around dessert time. Despite drinking coffee or engaging in an impromptu game of touch football in the brisk air, that irresistible urge to nap is hard to shake off.
This Thanksgiving, we want to ensure you experience the best post-feast nap ever. By combining scientific insights with practical tips, we've compiled the ultimate guide to achieving the most refreshing holiday sleep. Whether you find yourself on a luxurious custom mattress or a comfy sofa, our advice will help you make the most of your well-deserved rest, leaving you revitalized and ready to savor every moment of the holiday.

This year, we’re going to make sure you have the best, food-coma-induced Thanksgiving nap of your life. By pairing science with good sense, we’ve rounded up the only tips you’ll need to have the most epic holiday sleep.
1. Science says stuff your face.
Almost everyone has heard of L-Tryptophan in turkey, which is a chemical that many attribute to the sleepiness felt after a Thanksgiving meal. But, scientists have actually found that all the fat, carbohydrates and general overeating associated with the holiday are the true culprits. What happens is that carbohydrates stimulate serotonin synthesis in the bloodstream, making you tired.
Then there are all the fats you’re eating, which are harder to break down, that slow down your digestive system. This means blood flow is primarily going to your stomach, and not so much everywhere else. The same thing happens when you overeat — all the blood and energy goes to your stomach so your body can help digest it, making the rest of your body tired and feeling the need to rest.
To ensure you have the best Thanksgiving nap possible, take that extra helping of mashed potatoes, grab another slice of pie and don’t stop until you feel sleepy.
2. Hide emergency pie for after your Thanksgiving nap.
Before the vultures in your family eat everything while you nap, hide a piece of pie for yourself in the back of the fridge. Might as well make yourself a plate and hide it in the garage refrigerator, too, where you know it will be safe. Because while food got you into this predicament in the first place, it’s also the first thing you’re going to think about after you wake up and find a bit more room in your belly.
3. Ditch the couch, find the comfiest bed in the house.
Slumping over on the couch after Thanksgiving dinner isn’t going to cut it if you want a restful nap. Not only might Grandpa wake you with his thunderous snoring, but the kids will crank up the cartoons, and your uncles will inevitably start a heated political debate. While the couch is conveniently close to the dining table, it's far from ideal for that rejuvenating nap you need.
Instead, head upstairs and explore all the available beds. Test them out and claim the most comfortable one before anyone else does. Whether it’s a guest bed or a luxurious custom mattress, finding a quiet and comfortable spot will ensure you get the epic Thanksgiving nap you deserve. Remember, it's first come, first serve, so don't hesitate to secure your place for a truly restful post-feast slumber.
4. Forgetting to set an alarm is a rookie mistake.
Napping recklessly on Thanksgiving is a rookie mistake. With all that delicious food in your stomach, the comfort of a great bed and the exhaustion from the holiday festivities, you might end up sleeping the night away and miss out on those precious leftover pies. To avoid this, time your nap strategically. Go for 20 minutes, 45 minutes, or 90 minutes — these intervals align with regular REM cycles and will help you wake up feeling refreshed and alert.
By sticking to these nap durations, you’ll ensure you get the rest you need without overdoing it. This way, you can enjoy the remainder of the holiday festivities and savor every bit of those leftover treats. Set a timer, relax on your custom bed, and wake up rejuvenated, ready to dive back into the Thanksgiving fun.
Custom Mattresses for Any Kind of Sleep
The best way for all these factors to come together for the optimal deep, food-coma sleep, is to do it on a custom memory foam mattress, of course. Whether it’s a round bed, a sofa bed mattress, a giant Wyoming King to sprawl out on, or anything in between, you can’t beat the naptime comfort of customized memory foam bed. Especially if it’s covered in a luxuriously-soft custom bed set. Seriously – don’t forget to set that alarm.